How you can GIVE and help OUR Church
Our church depends upon the giving of its Christian members - and each member will decide what they can afford to give. In turn our Church gives. We have a list of charitable organisations that we support, a list that we review on a regular basis. If you feel that you are able to give then there are several ways in which this can be done. Many now give by standing order through their bank and this has been set up so that it is 'gift-aided' - where the government adds to the amount given on a pro rata basis. If you would like to know more please speak to our treasurer in confidence.
ways you can GIVE:
The offering bag
We still pass around an offering bag to enable people to give traditionally.
Weekly Envelopes
You are provided with envelopes that enable you to give variable amounts each week
Standing Order
If you can commit to regular monthly giving a standing order can be arranged
We have been fortunate that over the years individuals have given us the benefit of a bequest. If you would like to know more please speak to our treasurer!