(We are currently between courses)

Why did jesus die?
We have been running the Alpha Course in Melbourne for about thirty years now and for many it has been a wonderful experience. We recognise that a normal Sunday morning service often assumes that those attending have a reasonable understanding of the Christian faith - the Alpha course assumes the opposite! It really goes "back to basics" and explains what Christianity is all about - not what what we have turned it into over the centuries!
During the pandemic people have had time to rethink their lives and many ask the question "What's this all about - is there more to life than this?" Alpha helps to answer that question.
The course is run online using the Zoom online meeting tool - which many are familiar with
The course follows a tried and tested schedule originally set out by the church from which it originated Holy Trinity Brompton - an Anglican Church in London. A typical course may have between 6 to 12 attendees and people come from all different walks of life, but all have the same desire: a wish to understand "is there more to life than this?"
The course is very informal and everyone is able to stay well within their 'comfort zone' - taking as much or as little an active part in any discussions as they wish. You do not have to be a church member (anywhere!) to attend - in fact the course is designed for those that don't go to church, but would like to know more about the Christian faith
The talks include:
Who is Jesus?
Why did Jesus die?
How can I be sure of my faith?
Why and how should I read the bible?
Why and how should I pray?
How does God guide us?
How can I resist evil?
Why and how should we tell others
Does God heal today?
What about the church?
We are currently between courses.
If you want to know more contact Mark Dale on 01332 862231
or request details filling in the panel below
For more general information on the Alpha Course
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