Welcome to
Melbourne Methodist Church
If you have just moved to the area, or perhaps are visiting this part of the country and are looking for a place to worship we would like to assure you a warm welcome to our big church family!
Over the last 30 years our church has grown from a regular congregation of about 20 to over 80 - including a wonderful youth church. Our usual Family Friendly Worship each Sunday at 10.30 is informal and is led by our own worship group overseen by our minister Rev Nikki Geeson or, alternatively, by a local lay preacher. If you fancy paying us a visit, but are unsure what to expect, see the 'Never been to Church' link below.

NORMAL Meeting Times
10.30 am - Weekly Sunday Service followed by Tea and Coffee
10.30 am - Weekly Junior Church
10.00 - 11.30 am Tiddlywinks in Wesley Hall, (Term time only).
9.30 am to 11.30 am - 9 Months in Wesley Hall for Mums, Dads and babies under 12 months.
2.30 pm - Afternoon Tea Service in Church (3rd Tuesday of the month only)
9.00 am - 10.30 am SPLASH! Play & Praise, 9 am to 10.30 am (2nd & 4th of the month, term time only)
7.30 - 9.30 pm - Worship Group meets in church to prepare for Sunday
7.30 - 9.00 pm - 'Just Jammin' (1st Thursday of the month) - contact Becky 01332 864468
10.00 am to 12 noon Coffee Morning in Wesley Hall (First Saturday of the month)
House Groups meet throughout the week
Rev Nikki Geeson
01332 405286
How to find us
Melbourne Methodist Church,
Church Street,
South Derbyshire, DE73 8EJ
United Kingdom
Our Main Church Building is on Church Street and has wheeled access.
Wesley Hall / Athenaeum is on Potter Street
The buildings are separated by an open courtyard.